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Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Hi readers ,

I would like to start my review session with a disclaimer. 
This is an honest review that I wrote with my own experience. I’m not selling any product.

I have a really oily scalp. Thus if I don’t blow dry my hair after showering, I will have a lumpy hair thorough out the day. I look like I just shower even I did shower 8 hours before, and my hair will be sticking to each other and my hair scalp would be visible from miles way.

I’m not over exaggerate the condition, but if you’re facing the same problem as I am you will understand, totally.

Then I found this miracle (yes I said it) product called Oily Hair Cleansing Shampoo from Thecosmeticrepublic.

This shampoo worked since I first time used it. I quoted as per described from the product details: -

The Cosmetic Republic Cleansing Shampoo for oily hair with Barosma Betulina (Buchu) leaf extract offers an effective solution while leaving hair silky and with volume. It also contains microencapsulated keratin and B, C & E vitamins.

Finally, an oily shampoo that regulates the production of sebum without drying or damaging the hair. It removes oil from the root of the hair at the same time that it takes care of hair full lengths. It also prevents hair loss.

A unique product in its category, thanks to its patented microtechnology based formula.
Recommended by doctors all over the world. Respects scalp’s natural balance providing strength and volume to the hair without damaging it.

Benefits that I got by using this shampoo

1.       No oily scalp and it lasts the whole day. Even if you are sweating on a hot day or the sudden pouring rain. No more asking for Mr Sun to shine down on you. J
2.       The effect you will see right after you use the shampoo, even if you blow dry your hair or let your hair dry naturally.
3.       No more limply hair. I have a big face feature, like big jaw, chubby cheek and big nose. Limp or thin hair really makes me look really fat. (T_T)
4.       Less hair fall. Yes, this shampoo helps you to strengthen your hair follicle. No kidding
5.       Less visible scalp. Now I hardly can see my scalp from miles away.


1.       Pricey. For 200ml it cost RM 129.00
2.       Only work for scalp. Not for hair. It doesn’t make your hair silky smooth.
3.       Only can get at selected store only. You either can go to that particular store or order it online
4.       It doesn’t moisturize your hair. Refer item no 3.

Tips on how to use it.

1.       I pour the shampoo directly to my scalp and message my scalp. I didn’t cover the whole hair/head. Just on my scalp.
2.       I wash & shampoo first before brushing my teeth & wash my face. Because the requirement is to leave it on for at least 1 – 3 minutes before rinse it.

If you like to buy this product, you can find it here

Hope my review will help you guys to solve your oily scalp and limpy hair problems.
I will do the review for another products, so if you love my review please follow my blog for any updates

 #oilyscalp #limphair #limpyhair #productreview #shampooreview #thecosmeticrepublic

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Hi Readers,

I love to try new things.
Especially beauty products. I've used it because I want better skin. Simple.
I had a bad skin.
Now the scars remains.
When public label some products that have been told so effective, it always trigger me to buy them, and try them on my skin. Apparently a few of them are really worked, only a FEW of them.

here are all the products that I've used so far

1. Mederma scar gel
    I have a hypothropic scar from accident on 2007. yes, its really bad. so I've decide to use scar gel. I don't like the smell. its quite expensive for me. the texture is horrible. its sticky and smelly. my skin is so oily.
naik jerawat kat area yg disapu, lepas tu gel ni bile kering jdi satu kepingan, bile kita basuh, kulit jdi bertompok. mcam panau.

2. Tia amelia
    kulit lpas accident, teruk. banyak jerawat. try tia amelia. krim kunyit dia best, wangi. pakai dlm sbulan nmpk perubahan. kulit cantik, jerawat kurang, tetapi bile stop. jerawat start naik. n bukan mcm jerawat yg sblm pkai krim kunyit tu, tapi worse. keluar jenis jerawat dlm kulit yg nk keluarkan pun x boleh, dibiarkan jd menggerutu, trust me, feels sucks!

3.  kyusaku bihaku
     gile sangat nak cantik, padahal jerawat dh makin teruk. dgr2 cerita glutathione ni byk tlong cantikkan kulit. beli la produk KB ni. makan 4 kotak. dang!!! nothing happens. just shit. nothing more. mahal je lebih.
this product x effective langsung, sorry.

4. regime
dah nak putus asa dgn muka, baca majalah remaja, editor suggest this page. lalu sy pun try la. If you like to check out this product, lazada ada jual

5. caroline paris
   ok, jerawat dah hilang seratus peratus dri muka. muka dh licin dan x menggerutu mcm dlu sbb ikut regime kat atas tu. sekarang nak maintain an healthy skin. how? yes, caroline paris
harga rm180 utk refining cream, sbb refining cream yg paling bagus. pakai mmg puas hati. kulit sgt ok. 
tpi ssh nk cri, stokis xde jual secara melata. kne cari on9. sebotol sy pkai than 3 bulan, why? 3 hari sekali je apply. Sangat baik untuk dipakai

6. Miracle Tab
   Sumpah yang ni xleh dipercayai. The Miracle Tab Clarifying Detox Soap that rumors brag about how great the result is a bullshit. How I know? Aku guna la, that's why. 
Sabun dia banyak buih. Irritate my skins and cause inflammation. 
You know, that mosquitoes bite? bintat ek? yeah, that one. Imagine bintat seluruh muka. perghhh!!!! alahan aku. This one is no! no!

I think that is all.
I'll update more. 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Have you ever adopted a pet?

yes, a cat. cute little cherry.

Ask me anything

Thursday, May 12, 2011

tanye la wei.. aku ngidam nk menjawab soalan ni.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

fix your skin. (my way)

Assalammualaikum w.b.t......
drpd tajuk yang sy mention di atas.
ye, blog ni khas untuk sesiapa yang ingin mencuba membaiki kulit korang dri masaalah jerawat.
ok, sy ad masaalah jerawat yg kronik sejak tahun 2007 dan alhamdullilah hujung bulan 10 thun 2010 sy berjaya menanganinya.
kepada yg mengenali sy, u guys definitely know what imma talking about.
It is important for you to read what I've wrote here!!
ramai tnye ape yg sy buat. doktor mane sy jmpe.
ok. Sebenarnye, sy jmpe sorang doktor, tp doktor ni hanya kasi ubat.
ikhlasnya sy katakan ubat yg diberi kalau cara pemakainya salah, takkan merubah ape2.
seriously. it won't.

Now, I will reveal my secret to you.
yeah of course if u want to follow my way,  u need to follow my step accurately.
Or it won't work!!!!

Untuk menghilangkan jerawat.
ape yang korang perlukan :
  1. 2.5% benzoyl peroxide. ( Bhan utama perlu ada. bagi yang xpernah dengar mende ni. meh sy terangkan. Tau ubat jerawat jenama OXY? ha.... yg tu la. Tp yg ad dipasaran 10% and 5%, terlalu tinggi, x bgus. Kite hanya perlukan 2.5% je. So, kat sni la kite kne pergi klinik kulit. Try tnye. x mhal RM38 je (harga dah naik since May 2012 :-( ). 
  2. Cetaphil Gentle facewash (guardian berlambak, not a problem. P/s: facewash ye, jgn beli yg utk oily skin ke, soap ke, or moisturizer ke ape. just facewash. gambar dibawah)
  3. moisturizer ( try yg less greasy.) cth seperti organic aid.
  4. SPF 50+ PA++ sunblock. ( PENTING!!!!! sebelum beli check dia pnye spf bpe. try loreal or neutrogena. yg ni agak mahal la. +-RM50)
untuk cara pemakaiannya. ini sy sertakan link untuk video. sila lihat dan ikut setiap step dan kuantiti yang digunakan. JANGAN SKIP!! IKUT SETIAP STEPS!!

  1. video untuk basuh muka menggunakan Cetaphil Klik sini 
  2. Video untuk menggunakan benzoyl peroxide Klik sini. ( seperti yg laki dlm vid ni ckp, jauhkan area mata dan bwh mulut)
  3. Video untuk memakai moisturizer Klik sini
  4. Pakai sunblock sbb Malaysia panas.
  5. JANGAN PAKAI BEDAK. please.
    • Untuk minggu pertama dan kedua. Muka akan sedikit perit dan super kering kerana penggunaan Benzoyl Peroxide. So, jangan lupe moisturizer.
    • Kalau kulit dah perit sila selangkan pemaikaian. jika hari ni pakai, esok jangan pakai. luse bru pkai plak.
    • Sila pakai pada waktu malam. waktu siang, pakai moisturizer dengan (bukan atau) sunblock. 
    • diingatkan jangan pakai bedak.
    • selepas 2 bulan, tengok perubahan, kalo dah baik. sila stop buat smua procedures ini.
    • Tapi, sunblock jgn stop pakai, sampai bila2.
    • dh hilang jerawat, tinggal parut jerawat pulak.
    • Sy syorkan krim pemutih ginseng GRACE. 

    This technique does not work with 10% BP, moisturizers or sunscreens that contain comedogenic oils, exfoliating cleansers that can irritate, or irritating shavers. For best results use the recommended products.

    Tu je yang sy boleh share untuk kali ni. 
    there are related photos below:

    Gambar untuk product yang patut ada.

    2.5% benzoyl peroxide

    Cetaphil Gentle Facewash

    Grace Ginseng whitening Cream

    Korang mesti nak tengok sejauh mane keberkesanan cara ni kan?
    Saya akan letakkan gambar sebelum dan selepas. Gambar ini bukan gambar orang lain. Tp diri saya sendiri.

    Sebelum menggunakan cara ini

     Selepas seminggu menggunakan cara ini


    So, stop being sad!!! 
    U also can do it!! 
    Good Luck!!!

    p/s: Tiada pengelupasan berlaku ketika melakukan aksi ini. Jika berminat nak membeli  benzoyl peroxide dan grace tu, silalah hubungi sy. (^_^)

    I apologise to all the readers, I cannot help u about benzyl peroxide anymore. I just moved out to another place, and i'm still searching for it here. So, try on9.
    credit to :

      Thursday, December 30, 2010

      lagenda lalu budak setan

      Bila cinta kini.
      Tak lagi bermakna
      Yang ku rasa kini
      Hanyalah nestapa
      Ditinggalkan cinta masa lalu

      Dulu kau tawarkan
      Manisnya janjimu
      Yang ku sambut itu
      Dengan segenap hatiku
      Bila engkau pergi

      Hilangnya cintamu
      Menusuk hatiku
      Ternyata memilih
      Cinta yang fana

      Perginya dirimu
      merobek jantungku
      Hingga ku terjatuh
      Dalam harapan

      Hilangnya cintamu
      Menusuk hatiku
      Hingga ku terjatuh
      Dalam harapan
      Dalam harapan

      Thursday, October 21, 2010

      bagaikan beruk kena belacan.

      ape tu belacan?
      sejenis makanan.
      ape tu beruk?
      kalau beruk kena belacan.
      dia akan terlompat-lompat
      macam x senang duduk.
      x tenang.
      tp soalan nya.
      bahagian manekah di anggota badan beruk tu yg kena belacan?
      ape efek belacan kalau kena badan beruk?
      pedih ek? sebab tu terkinja-kinja.
      ataupun, maksud 'kena' tu merujuk kepada makan. macam ayat pekene.
      hah! menjadi soalan.